“Ride to Riches: The Investor’s Cab” is an electrifying new business reality television series that combines the high-stakes drama of “Shark Tank” with the surprise-filled excitement of “Cash Cab.” Entrepreneurs looking for a game-changing investment order an Uber, but little do they know, they’re in for the ride of their lives. When the Uber arrives, they step inside and discover they’re in the “Pitch Cab,” setting the stage for a whirlwind pitch that could change their destiny.
As the entrepreneur sits in the back seat next to a seasoned investor, they have the duration of the ride to convince the investor that their business idea is worth backing. The clock is ticking, the city streets whizzing by, and the pressure is on. It’s the ultimate elevator pitch, with only one shot to impress.
The ride’s length varies, offering entrepreneurs anywhere from a few minutes to a half-hour or more, depending on traffic. At the end of the ride, the investor must make a snap decision: will they invest or pass on this opportunity? If they see potential, they’ll reroute the Uber to their investment house for a more in-depth meeting. If not, the entrepreneur will exit the cab at their original destination, while the investor remains onboard, ready for the next thrilling pitch.
Key Elements of “Ride to Riches: The Investor’s Cab”:
October 30, 2015