Creative Direction, Production
Step into the enchanting world of Little Fables, an animated series that seamlessly combines the magic of Shadow Theatre with essential life lessons. Tailored for ages 2-5, this show introduces children to fables in a style that resonates with their young hearts.
Set against the backdrop of captivating Shadow Theatre, each episode follows endearing animal characters as they navigate dilemmas, collaborating to overcome challenges that mirror the social issues young viewers encounter in their daily lives. “Little Fables” ensures an age-appropriate, engaging experience, offering relatable storytelling. The show’s visual charm and carefully-paced narrative are perfectly attuned to its young audience, while older children can actively participate by guessing solutions and exploring the meaningful messages interwoven within.
Join us on this enchanting journey, where “Little Fables” casts light on wisdom and imagination, creating a unique space for young learners to embrace life’s lessons!
2D Animation
26 x 7
October 30, 2015